About US
Jonathan and Jeanne Saul welcome you to this site. Our passion is to see others grow in a deep intimate relationship first with the Lord Jesus Christ and secondly in our relations to those with whom He has connected us to as a body of believers on a local and global basis. All fruitfulness flows from intimacy with Him.
Jonathan: My wife and I wife began a house church with two other brothers and their wives when I was only 21 years old of age at the time. My heart was ablaze with love for Jesus and I had a passion to live and share that love with others in a community setting.
In the first 25 years the movement had it's ups and downs, blessings and stumbling s as the small fledgling house church movement began to spread it's wings and learn to fly. In the last 10 years the movement still has had it's share of struggles but steady growth and maturity has began to come to the forefront for those who live to love and give freely.
Today we are seeing the Holy Spirit create a raving desire for the love of God to be shed abroad in the hearts of those He is drawing to Himself. The Good News of the Kingdom through the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is being proclaimed in the power of the Holy Spirit on a global scale. OH YES! We encourage you to open your hears wide to the Holy Spirit and see where His love will lead you in this great adventure ahead with Him. Prayerfully consider letting the Holy Spirit make Himself fully at home in your life.
A word from Jeanne:
I have come to realize the truth and foundation of James 4:14,15, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord wills, we shall live, and do this, or that."
We truly do not know what tomorrow holds. We are learning now more than ever to hear the Lord and obey His command to go here or there. Is it to another home? Is it to a congregation? Is it to a homeless person sitting on the bench at the train station? Where is that one that you would have us minister to? Sometimes that one is closer than where we are looking. What needs are crying out to be met? Are they physical or spiritual or both. Usually the physical that we attend to like building fences or cleaning windows has a correlation to the spiritual need. It is exciting to see the Lord work in us and in others as we respond to Him in obedience and to one another in love. I know that the Lord is at work in us to make us His bride, His church. He is removing the wrinkles and spots from our gown and making us ready for His fullness. It is not so important where our physical bodies are as it is where our hearts are. The one will reflect the other. So whether we meet in a large setting or a small setting, one on one or many if our hearts have been with the King and in His presence so will He be in our gatherings.
God bless you as you seek to know more of Him,
jonathan & jeanne saul
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