First we want to be clear about the fact that it is God who does the ordaining not men. A piece of paper will not make one ordained by God to minister. A piece of paper will however get you through certain doors and allow you to preform certain functions that the government requires if ask to perform a marriage or go into a government institution such as a prison or a hospital. Global Empowerment for Ministry offers a Certificate of Ordination for those who are in need of one for the above reasons. We simply ask that you are in agreement with the beliefs we see as evidences of faith in Christ our Lord and state the reason for the requested ordination.

Global Empowerment for Ministry does not charge a fee for the certificate of ordination. We do not want your money. There are no hoops that you have to jump through. We do offer The School of the Spirit study courses if one chooses to enroll.

GEM offers a Global Prayer Line which is available for support and encouragement to you. For those who choose to participate in the GEM School of the Spirit Study Courses, we also offer the 'Give to Live' Helps Ministry for those in need of financial support. We have come to realize that while there are multitudes who actually know that they are called to minister the gospel very few ever overcome their fear of financial lack. We have a passion to see God's Kingdom expand at an exponential rate and position ourselves to work in full corporation with the Holy Spirit to see that happen in the lives of all those who come to Him.

In the depths of His love,

Global Empowerment for Ministry Support Team